welcome to sweet and kind bisexual x evil and callous bisexual otd ! <3


posting bi4bi couples who are sweet and kind x evil and callous ! please specify if the characters are canon, implied, or headcanoned to be bi

(flags by @TOGACATZ_ on twitter)

dni; basic dni (racist, ableist, lgbtphobic, etc.), support/are proship, mspec "lesbian/gay," against xenos/neos, don't believe bi is an umbrella term, believe prns = gender

(click for more info)

Okay !


-headcannoned bisexuals
-aspecs/arospecs (canon/hc welcome)
-other hc's or specified identities (pronouns, gender, etc.)
-poly ships

No !


-canon/heavily implied as other sexualities (lesbian/pan/etc.)
-incest, pedo, generally problematic "ships"
-characters from problematic media

note: i won't always know if characters i post are problematic so please let me know; i may also refuse a request and will give my reasons if needed !

(click for admin info)



main acc; @enbiaroace
disc tag; kris™#9485

(click for submission info)

  • 17 years old

  • he/theyflutter/fluff/cloud/🍦 + more

  • nonbinary bi + arospec asexual

  • asian! (filipino)

  • i tend to type in caps a lot

  • i often get in discourse on main, but i'll be keeping it out of this account

  • im the only mod of this account so please be patient with me :']

  • dont mind dms but i might not be very responsive, especially if i dont know you, sorry!


you can submit via dms, or google forms
neither method is more preferred than the other, so you can choose which one is more comfortable for you1


format; character names, media they're from + if they're problematic, if the characters are canonically bi, their pronouns, any extra info/hcs you want to add + flags if you want ! you may also add photos of the characters if you want and specify if you want to be credited or stay anonymous


characters that have already been submitted will be put here too, but if you have other hc's you want to add i might make exceptions


submitted pairings;
-Mary Anta and Reginald Tetra
-Sci-Twi and Sunset Shimmer
-Ochako Uraraka and Himiko Toga
-Mera Salamin and Indus Tarbella
-Jessie and James
-Venti and Hu Tao (platonic)
-Vasilis and Crowven Corvuson
-Magnus Chase and Alex Fierro
-Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, and Marcy Wu
-Edalyn Clawthorne and Raine Whispers
-Franziska von Karma and Maya Fey
-Aqua and Kazuma
-Penny Fitzgerald and Gumball Watterson
